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Google Glass, these glasses that allow you to use augmented reality are highly appreciated by fans of new technologies . However, these devices are now perhaps victims of their success. The first case of an addiction to such gadgets has indeed been diagnosed. DGS you tell this unusual story.
Google Glass are fantastic tools augmented reality whose jobs can range from video game to medicine. It now seems that this unit is even become a little too nice to use. and Naval Medical Center San Diego said he first diagnosed person with addiction on Internet use Google Glass . The patient, an employee of the center, was this miniature computer about 18 hours a day and was so used to having it on the head that he developed a tic that made him take his finger to his temple (to turn the power ) after he was asked a question.
After over a month of “withdrawal”, he began to feel better. His tic returned less often and the patient became less irritable and more concentrated. This case raises some concerns about addiction to the adverse effects associated with the wearing of electronic objects mentally. Of course, it is not automatic, even if you use Google Glass , there is no certainty that you become addicted. As stated in the medical center, the same man had a history of alcohol problems, which might explain why it is about to become addicted more easily than other individuals. This one case does not prove possible danger from a connected portable device such as this one.
The case of addiction Google Glass has surprised us. However, this is very isolated and there is probably no reason to worry. In writing, we do not use these devices but we recognize it hard to do without Internet or our phones. Sometimes taking a break to get away from all these electronics do much good :). Do you think all these technological advancements bring more positive than negative things in our society, or is it the opposite?
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