Friday, April 17, 2015

French taxation, a turn-off to the impact of new … –

Where ranks France in the latest “Global Information Technology Report for 2015″ published this week by the World Economic Forum? While Singapore stole the top spot in Finland in 2015, France advanced to the 26th place, while European neighbors such as Sweden (3rd), Norway (5th), the UK (8th) and Germany (13th) firmly hold in the Top 15. Overwhelmed by Ireland, France also lost a place in relation to the classification of 2014.

In the end, France is among the latest advanced economies to take advantage of new information technologies to boost growth. The room for improvement is primarily found on the business plans and innovation, according to the World Economic Forum. Taxation (profit tax, payroll tax, mandatory levies and other taxes) on new technologies is pointing France in 135 rank out of 143 countries.

Screenshot 2015-04-17 at 11.11.40

In detail, France could also raise the cost side access to the Internet on mobile. The France advanced to the 118th place on the mobile tariffs and coverage of mobile networks (66). An environment that does not also promote subscription to mobile plans of consumers (96th), and therefore a facilitated communication between people.

As for companies, B2B transactions in using new technologies lag behind (44th) and the use of social networks to increase productivity is not still current (68th).

The last point of this pessimistic vision given by the institution concerns the French institutions. According to the Forum, the importance of ICT in the government’s vision for the future is largely insufficient, clocking in at 53rd place. This does not, however would rather promote the effectiveness of ICT in the economy (63rd on evangelism). Consequently, the impact of ICT in building new models of institutional organization or business is very low (48).

In response to these weak points compared to neighbors, France nevertheless displays acquired encouraging in the use of new technologies to increase its GDP.

  • Where France performs
  • France is ranked on the protection of intellectual property (13)
  • On the ease of protecting an idea with a Pat (14)
  • To create a business , the World Economic Forum also welcomes the speed of procedures (14)
  • Network internet, flow rates and packages are available as attractive
  • The share of number of jobs involved in innovation processes (13).
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