Monday, June 29, 2015

Engineers, new technologies and working methods – InformatiqueNews


Two out of three engineers work part of their time outside of a traditional office or as the site and 14% devote a quarter of their time.

This is what reveals the 2015 edition of the survey IESF (Engineers and Scientists of France) that shows how work patterns have changed in recent years with the availability of new technologies

Two populations can be distinguished:.
– those who work well over 75% of their working time outside making it an outsourced function, the working time is then in line with the average of engineers
– those who devote 33% of their working time in addition to their “traditional” activity. In this case, remote working is no longer an alternative method but a means to extend the hours of work in less restrictive conditions. The time spent at work well beyond the average. This population occupies significantly higher hierarchical positions.

Paradox, remote working to bring engineers additional freedom partially (48%) and partly a control (51%). For those who have a definite opinion, freedom outweighs the control (40% against 8%). It is mainly engineers belonging to the middle management that position more often bondage before freedom. High and low ends of the hierarchy, freedom outweighs clearly.

The feeling of freedom is not apprehended in the same way as the position occupied. The higher up the hierarchy, the greater the efficiency factors are highlighted: stress-free travel, better management of working time. Less was more management responsibilities and it favors the balance between work and private life, as well as fatigue avoided in transport.

Little unemployment among engineers

The job market is favorable to the engineers, college graduates are hired quickly and the level of unemployment is two to three times less than the average in France. Overall 100,000 engineers were recruited in 2014. If their pay is more than satisfactory, it is nevertheless a question undervaluation of technical expertise in France.

Familiar new technologies, they show that the transformation of work patterns they create freedom is experienced as a factor in balancing an intense professional life and personal life to which they are attached. Feminization is running. They are 28% in the last promotion when they were only 6% in 1973. A woman under 30 today 13 times more likely to be an engineer in 2014 that in the 80

Currently Representing 4% of the population, with a million engineers and scientists and 200 000 researchers, combining specialized expertise, rich and excellent, the engineer is able to succeed in an original way and lasting the profound changes coming by uniting our talents.

Only 4% of engineers are self-employed. Younger are more willing than their elders to create or acquire a business. 96% of employed autoentrepreneurs have prior experience. The experience of entrepreneurship is satisfactory for 85% of engineers.

Among the 37,000 engineers out of last promotion, the proportion declaring engineers seeking employment (18%) reflects a rapid integration of young people into working life.

A few months after graduation, 80% of these new engineers are employed. Unemployment remains around 2% for the exits promotions between 1995 and 2010. By contrast, that of seniors, relatively high, reaching a maximum of 7% between 55 and 60.

The starting salaries are relatively concentrated. Wage differentials increase with age, both in absolute terms and in proportion.

The median salary triple during working life, from € 35,000 in the 20-24 age 60 € 000 between 35 and 39 years, reaching € 100,000 per year at retirement.

In 2015, 120,000 engineers (nearly 16% of engineers) working abroad. More than half of these jobs overseas are based in Europe (57%). The leading trio of countries in Europe is the same as last year: Switzerland (13.3%), Germany (10.6%) and Great Britain (10.2%). Outside Europe, the United States (10.4%) remain a popular destination as well as Asia (13.9%) which retains great potential attractiveness. The starting motivations changed little: a little less than a third of the engineers go abroad at the request of their business (31% in 2015 vs. 30% in 2006)

. Survey Methodology

The 26th IESF National Survey on the situation of engineers was conducted in March and April 2015. 175
associations of engineering graduates have invited their members to respond to the detailed questionnaire that was offered to them through the Internet. In addition to the traditional sections on training, employment, innovation, compensation and motivation, engineers have responded in great numbers to optional specific issues.

Nearly 55,000 responses collected this year. The representativeness of the survey is unparalleled, she made a broad overview of the situation of engineers in business and provides reference information in France on this subject.


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