Friday, March 18, 2016

No “new technologies” in the beds! – Point

The 16th edition of Sleep Day is a new opportunity for specialists to pull the alarm. “The new information and communications technology (ICT) has invaded our lives,” says Dr. Joëlle Adrien, neurobiologist, president of the National Institute of sleep and alertness. At home, office, weekdays as during the weekend, day and night, it is increasingly rare to not having a handy screen view. All this is obviously not without consequences on the quality of the nights and, by extension, that of the day.

According to figures by the Institute, nearly half of French go home more than two hours a day in front of their computer screens for their personal needs work days, of which 25% (and two-thirds of students) more than four hours. But above all, few would disconnect end of the day: 91% of French using ICTs in the evening – before or after dinner and in bed – rest days and holidays. Working days, it’s worse! This user rate is 96% among active and students. In addition, 20% of French have at least one smartphone operating in their room at night. Half of them are awakened by ring tones or beeps. The most laconic received SMS is also useless: “You sleep? “Even worse, 80% will respond immediately …

The disrupted biological clock

The behavior” techno-addict “of French is not without impact on the quality and duration their nights. Nocturnal users of ICT (young, usually) spend more time before turning their light: on average thirty-six minutes on working days, and thirty-nine days’ rest against twenty-seven minutes for the others. Once in the dark, they put a little more time to sleep and are more likely to suffer from at least one sleep disorder. Their nighttime awakenings are also longer.

Specialists explain that the light screens is “arousing”. Issued out of season, it disrupts the biological clock, which is no longer able to ensure the conditions for a quick sleep or a refreshing sleep. Moreover, these new technologies have a behavioral effect and addictive stimulant. By a sort of effect “on call”, users are constantly on alert, they do not sleep with one eye open, preventing the necessary time to withdraw from the outside world, to complete separation.

Doctors are all the more concerned that these new technologies are experiencing a rapid expansion. “The screens are multiplying, connections are everywhere, even in so-called connected clothes smart , may inform us about ourselves,” it said in the folder. “When will the pajamas that will awaken us saying you sleep well? “And yet, ICTs should simplify life, not harmful to health …


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