Technological inventions occupy more and more space in the Concours Lépine at the Paris Fair. Three of them have been awarded by the jury this year.
The Concours Lépine has always had a soft spot for technology. If we cross in an alley telescopic stools or devices to close the bags, the Jury finally chose often highly innovative inventions. The 2016 prize list is no exception to the rule, with the price of the competition Lépine assigned a dedicated application for diabetics. Le Figaro has also made its own choice in the aisles of the Porte de Versailles.
-Price the Concours Lépine 2016: The Application protocols for diabetics
The price of the President of the Republic, the most prestigious contest Lépine, distinguished this project among the 556 in competition. The inventor hopes that this award will help obtain approval to market its product. The “pitch” however, is not the most glamorous, but uncorked are real.
“I found that there was sometimes a lack of understanding of the protocol, which generates insulin overdoses, and therefore the risk of hypoglycemia or insulin underdosing, and therefore risk of hyperglycemia “: it is from this realization that Benedict Mirambeau, whose mother is diabetic herself, created the Application diabetic protocols. This application, which runs on any device with Internet, integrates the treatment protocol prescribed by the physician, measure blood sugar levels in real time and calculates the exact insulin to inject.
– Coup de heart of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris Ile-de-France: WatcHelp, the watch connected to dependents
Make more autonomous individuals with cognitive impairment: the purpose of the WatHelp application. The dependent person receives “alerts remind him of his next appointment or what to do in an unexpected situation, such as when she misses her bus,” says Estelle Ast, creator of WatHelp. On one hand, the caregiver plans memos and schedule on their smartphone. On the other, the dependent person receives this information on its connected watch. The user must regularly answer yes or no to questions like “Are you a doctor?”. If the user answers no twice, the administrator is immediately notified on their smartphone.
“Autistic communicate much through images. Today, with the technology, we can invent more practical ways than traditional paper icons “added Estelle Ast, mother of a child with this disorder. Its application, created in April 2015, has been downloaded more than a thousand times since it went online in January. Free the first month, the service is then charged € 2.90 per month.
The Universe connected -Price: My Music Teacher, a “serious game” to learn guitar
An application for learning to play the guitar
Learn guitar chords to his YouTube videos has become common, but My Music Teacher wants to go further. The application, available for PC, Mac and all types of smartphones, looks like a serious game: learning occurs suddenly challenges, missions, themed trails and duels between players. No need to install additional hardware, “To humanize this learning, we broadcast over live every Wednesday night,” says Frank Houbre, one of the founders of My Music Teacher, which claims 14,000 members over a year after launch.
The annual subscription costs 9.90 euros per month, “the same price that a particular course of half an hour Professor” say the founders. The start-up of Strasbourg, which received the Gold Medal of the Lépine contest last year, now wants to develop learning other instruments, such as bass and piano, and propose its offer in other languages.
other inventions have also caught the attention of Le Figaro ….
-The machine golfer virtual reality
Still in prototype project status allows for the economy golf courses
Play golf anywhere and make it more democratic and popular sport: it is the ambition that gives Jean-Claude Pierrefitte, inventor of the machine golfer. Still in the prototype stage, this bubble shaped machine captures the gestures of the golfer. Adorned with a virtual reality headset Oculus Rift, it evolves in different types of terrain, club in hand.
This project has received the gold medal at the European Lépine contest in Strasbourg in September. It was also recognized for its ecological dimension. “The traditional golf requires a lot of land and stray bullets are all environmental damage, said Jean-Claude Pierrefitte. The golfer with machine, we can play golf with the only power of a smartphone. “The inventor hopes to make his concept on the occasion of the Ryder Cup golf competition, to be held in France in 2018.
-Swimbot: a swimming cap connected to learn to swim
It’s a sports coach who accompanies you underwater. The Swimbot small interactive box to place a shower cap, able thanks to new sensors several parameters, such as breathing, coordination or arm movement during swimming. As soon as the movements are inadequate, they are immediately corrected by a signal transmitted by cranial resonance headphones. These, unlike conventional headphones, diffuse sound through bone vibration, allowing for example the swimmer keep his earplugs.
This swim cap is connected complemented by a mobile application containing 3D tutorials to learn the different techniques of swimming. This application also calculates swimming speed and distance. A pack to 269 euros entitles the Swimbot, a cap and unlimited access to tutorials.
-Sizzy for custom shop
Find a garment that we will like a glove sometimes turns puzzle, especially as the sizes often vary depending on models and brands. The Body Scan, appliance-like photo booth to booth, scanning the body from head to toe by calculating more than 150 points extent. The measurements are recorded on the Sizzy application. Shop or an online commerce site, the application indicates whether a garment suits us or not.
The start-up applies his invention to other fields as fashion: the Body Scan can thus be used to create 3D avatars in the field of video games or measure growth and body mass in the medical field.
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