Sunday, August 3, 2014

Children, new technologies and dependence: Attention … – ICT Web

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computers, smartphones, tablets, connected objects are increasingly indispensable in everyday life. Many children during the summer vacation, find themselves more exposed to these new technologies to the point of developing, in some cases, Internet addiction. In which case can we speak of a possible Internet addiction? What are the dangers of this phenomenon? How to recognize that their child is cyberdépendant? How can parents intervene to protect their children against the dangers of addiction web?

Internet has become the common shared leisure children and young Algerians during the summer holidays. Indulge in video games, surf the various websites and navigating the social networks to make new friends among the main occupations of these.

However, when the virtual world becomes more important that reality, when the child spends more time in front of his computer he spends with the parents when the web isolate the child from the real life and it becomes a sort of “parallel world “in which the children at the expense of its real existence, at that time, parents should really worry because it can be a dependence on new technologies, a phenomenon known universally and takes a significant extent.

What is Internet addiction?

There is no consensus on the definition of Internet addiction. However, the most classic definition is that given by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), which recognizes internet addiction as a psychological pathology. This definition has been established based on several studies that have attempted to develop a profile of people in attendance. These are the majority suffering from sleep disorders, disorders of depression, anxiety and stress due to past his computer to surf the Internet or on social networks long hours. Thus, the most common definition of Internet addiction: a psychological disorder that results in excessive and obsessive use a computer and interfering with daily life need

How do you know your. child is dependent on the Net?

Generally, dependent children show Internet a series of signs which mainly change behavior, lifestyle and mood. To tell if your child begins to develop an addiction to screens, here is a very reliable list, established by scientists and psychologists

-. When you attach your child a limited use of the micro delay you always disobeys and remains longer

-. It does not perform the tasks that you provide to us and remains facing his computer

-. He spends more time online with the rest of the family

-. He constantly talking about his new friends online

-. You constantly complain about the time he spends online <. / p> – His academic results have been affected by the time spent on the Web

-. since he discovered the Internet, it seems more disconnected from reality, isolated and lonely.

– It does not perform any task before checking his messages online

-. This puts you on the defensive and responds quietly when you ask him what he did online

-. Sometimes it connects furtively despite your ban

-. He spends a lot of time alone in his room in front of his computer

– It happens that you respond aggressively if you talk to him when he is online

-. He throws a tantrum and gets cranky if the force them to reduce the time they spend online

-.. He neglects all the leisure he loved once and prefer to stay online

– It depresses when n ‘ is not connected to the Internet because of a cut.

Internet addiction, a serious impact on children’s brains

U.S. researchers have recently examined the study of the physiological effects of Internet addiction on the brain of children and the results are worrying. Researchers who participated in the meeting of the American Psychiatric Society held from 3 to 7 May in New York, revealed that internet addiction caused serious changes in the behavior of children who become more aggressive and isolated .

On a physiological level, the Internet addiction causes an increase in blood flow to the areas associated with reward and pleasure at the expense of areas dedicated to hearing and brain view. Furthermore, the internet addiction causes, in the brain, similar to that caused by the drug taking reaction. These results have raised concerns among researchers have called for more serious phenomenon. Recommending parents more vigilance and monitoring, scientists have called for rigor and the limitation of connection time for children.


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