can be finance minister and look at new technologies was the case with Pierre Moscovici. It can be just the opposite. In the case of Michel Sapin
While in position to be Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici was very active on social networks, including Twitter , evidence that he was aware of the new technologies. His successor, Michel Sapin, is radically opposite to that position by not having such an account on any social network.
Worse than that, it can even be described as “imbecility and impoverishment “Twitter, or to assert that selfies are only self-portraits that give” the mouths of frogs. ” In fact, the current finance minister is anything but a geek
When asked about his iPhone, Michel Sapin replies. “That thing with the apple? “. About it, he admits only use it to call (1297 contacts), read news and send / receive text messages.
In fact, being visibly refractory to all new technologies, this relationship Michel Sapin with technology is rather unique in a time when France is changing in this area under the thrust of the government, a situation that could be described as ambiguous enough for a minister.
Michel Sapin currently using his smartphone.
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