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The new technologies have brought great features that have revolutionized the way we work. But they have also led to new behaviors that can affect our productivity, our health or our mood. DGS presents eight bad habits technology to banish your day.
1. Constantly update his mailbox
There are times when you are waiting for an important e-mail, you want to see as soon as possible so that tells you, for example, what you need to work. So anything you do while you wait. By clicking on the link without stopping your mail and refreshing the inbox, you lose time. Your e-mail will eventually happen no matter what. You must continue to work on other tasks and check your mailbox at regular intervals.
2. Sitting too close to the screen
Numerous studies demonstrate the importance of stand upright during the day, with good posture many muscle and joint pain is avoided. However, we often tend to sit too close to the screen and even tilt the head forward to see better, especially with age. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem. Modern computers use high resolution screens, but you can lower the resolution to make the text bigger. Also, in most browsers you can zoom in on the page.
3. Eat at his computer
To boost productivity, without any concern about the cleanliness or poor posture, many people who eat while working. The most harmful effect is simply to eat alone without human contact with colleagues. Please take 15 minutes to meet someone and talk while taking your lunch. The time you go to eat a real meal promotes better productivity the rest of the day.
4. Use social networks only to talk about his work
Social networking is a great tool to promote your own work, but they are called “social networks” for good reason. The bad habit to avoid is only post information about their work. You absolutely must review the achievements of others, to promote their efforts and have the greatest possible discussions. All this will deepen your relationships rather than making unilateral.
5. Leave his office in disarray
The desktop clutter can greatly interfere with your productivity. A bad habit is to leave this mess to build just because you work too hard on a project and you forget everything, even what is before your eyes. When the disorder overwhelms your desktop, this leads to a negative sense of disorganization. Get used to remove objects that accumulate promotes a clear and calm mind.
6. Listening to loud music
Listen to” too “loud sound causes pain, literally. If you feel the sound is too high, you should definitely drop even though it may paradoxically be nice to listen to music that you enjoy at high volume. A bad habit is common and dangerous to increase the sound gradually over the day, month after month, you do not feel your ears but suffer. You can keep the pleasure that a good music using a lower volume, especially if you use a noise-canceling headphones.
7. Increase the brightness of the screen as possible
When you increase the screen brightness your computer, your tablet or your phone to the maximum level, it is then you easier to read what is written. But if you do that, you are killing your battery devices. Adjusting the brightness to a lower level, you save energy, you can even get more work and you will make a contribution to the environment.
8. Check his mailbox before sleep
It’s not just workers night wear eye due to a strong light in a dark place, many people check their e-mail one last time before bed. In light of the screen is too high relative to total darkness, then the brain does not understand very well what is happening, this night sleep. Turn off all the screens a few hours before bedtime can enjoy the time with family, to rest his eyes and his brain.
These attitudes are truly representative of the contemporary world of work. At the office, we will try to adopt the best possible performance with new technologies that make our life much anyway. And you, have you ever noticed that you take bad habits that interfered with your productivity or your health?
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