Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Radiators computers: when the new technology is … – TF1

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Presented Gilles Bouleau

Science – 2min 53s

With the approach of the big climate conference that will take place in Paris in less than a month, TF1 regularly presents innovative initiatives to produce energy while protecting the environment. Today, a French start-up offers to turn your boiler power plant, or, your computer radiator.

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All subjects

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Find the title of the journal 20h Tuesday, October 27, 2015.

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Sentenced to 20 years in prison for cocaine trafficking, the two French pilots, Pascal Fauret and Bruno Odos, decided to flee the Dominican Republic to join the France . The two men would excuse a boat ride. They joined the Franco-Dutch Caribbean island of St. Martin before arriving by plane in Martinique where they won, again by air, the metropolis. In their wake, an official of the National Front, and probably former DGSE agents. For its part, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs categorically denied any state involvement in this operation. The Dominican Republic has announced that it will launch an international arrest warrant.

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On the night of March 19 to 20, 2013, the Dominican police, informed in particular by the United States , seized 26 suitcases containing 680 kilos of cocaine aboard a Falcon 50 on the tarmac at Punta Cana airport. Among those arrested, four French, two pilots, and Bruno Pascal Fauret Odos. Two years later, August 15, 2015, they were sentenced to 20 years in prison but left on probation pending their appeal.

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Despite the ban to leave the Dominican Republic after being sentenced to 20 years in prison, and Pascal Fauret Odos Bruno fled the country. Two other French also convicted in the case “Air Cocaine”, the passenger Nicolas Pisapia and Intermediary Alain Castany, remained in the Dominican Republic. Both are afraid of being sent back behind bars. Always free Tuesday night, they could soon be heard by the local authorities.

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The Attorney General of the Dominican Republic announced that it will issue an international arrest warrant to against the two French pilots who have fled the country. The State still has a little time to react. This case was not to the headlines. It even seems that the authorities have been informed, only Monday night through French media, as our special envoy, Josselin Huchet.

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Four days after the highway tragedy that killed 43 people, families, friends, neighbors and nearby residents gathered for a tribute in the presence of the Head of State, Prime Minister and several other Cabinet members. Hollande promised the truth to relatives.

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Legal aid. It is to defend this device that allows the poorest to have access to a lawyer, a hundred bars is about 164 general strike throughout France. The Justice Minister, Christiane Taubira waived involve law firms in financing the measure. The lawyers now claim their reward as part of the legal aid to be increased and harmonized. With this mobilization, deemed people find themselves without a lawyer. The situation is beginning to worry judges and litigants. Negotiations between representatives of lawyers and the chancellor continues to achieve an agreement soon.

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Technician cyber security, cloud architect, web designer, data scientist … By switching in digital, the traditional economy generates new trades, increasingly sought after jobs. Last year in the sector 12,000 jobs were created, far from the 100,000 required to meet the recruitment needs of the French market.

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Ten days of work per month supplemented by unemployment benefits, this formula relates 760.000 today people in France and cost 4.8 billion euros per year by Unedic, the unemployment insurance system. A finding shock of study just to make the Council of Economic Analysis. This intermittent pattern develops in the companies according to their activity. Between 2000 and 2014, the number of CSD within one month jumped 146%.

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In recent years, the French agricultural sector is facing an unprecedented crisis. In Lozère, we have found a solution. For three years now, supermarkets have spent “oral contracts” with ten breeders in the department. A partnership that works so well that the 12 supermarkets of the department have all signed a charter this summer where they commit to buying local meat. In stock, formula wowed consumers and yields are much higher. But to protect against crises, farmers would raise prices and quantities.

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Today, Lebanon hosts in very precarious conditions over a million and a half refugees , a quarter of its total population. France has promised more than 2,000 places for the most vulnerable, called resettlement. What an operation came oversee the interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve. On site, the teams locate the most vulnerable refugees, with serious illnesses or children. Decisive stage of selection: interviews conducted by officials from OFPRA, and then supplemented by French police. Next year Paris will double the number of visas for refugees in Lebanon alone, 1,000 from 500.

section " d-inline teaser-content "readability =" 1.3237704918033 "> Extract –

With the approach of the big climate conference to be held in Paris in less than a month, TF1 regularly presents innovative initiatives to produce energy while protecting the environment. Today, a French start-up offers to turn your boiler power plant, or, your computer radiator.

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Contrary to popular belief, women are increasingly present in the video game world. Official figures show that today is both a player on a player. A development that does not leave insensible the industry. As proof, the women’s teams in the famous football game “FIFA” and heroines with well-tempered characters such as Lara Croft are appearing on the screen.

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Nearly 30 years after their heyday, the rollerskate reconquered the track. Moselle a dance skating just opened its doors. Yet the concept had almost disappeared until then. Same thing in the street: high-waisted jeans, sneakers … fashion 80s is enjoying a renaissance.

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