August 30, 2013
Bouygues Telecom with its offer Fibre BBox Sensation rates up to 200 Mega in defined areas. The rates do not change and start with an offer to € 37.90 per month including supply Bein Sport for a period of one year. However for 4G, offering Bouygues is restricted to 48 KB / second due to quota overruns.
Bouygues Telecom today announced that its offer fiber BBox Sensation goes to 200 Mbit / second. A novelty that currently concerns the FFTLA network (fiber optic termination with coaxial cable) Numericable that Bouygues Telecom uses. The offer is unfortunately not accessible to the general population, some areas are affected and an eligibility test is needed to see if you can enjoy the high speed of the operator. The rates are not changed and the promotion of access to Bein Sport is maintained for a year, included in this package less than 40 € mensuel.En offering BBox Sensation offers 200 mega operator dual speed flow of the Box. The cities of Paris, Lyon, Marseille and Nantes (and Vincennes Saint-Mande in Ile-de-France) are already eligible.
BBox Sensation Fibre
However, at the 4G Bouygues, the operator has to modify its contracts for customers who subscribe to the new 4G package with a quota of 3 GB and 8 GB The amendment concerns the flow restriction after passing the quota. On these two new offerings, the flow increases from 100 Mb / s to 48 Mb / s. On the other offerings, this rate is 64 Kb / s. As of October 1, 2013, Bouygues Telecom will cover more than 100 cities representing 25 million French with its 4G network.
New packages and rates applicable to 4G 01/10/2013 Bouygues Telecom
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