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The owner and founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg
. Image: Archive / Reuters
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The boss-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, announced Thursday, March 26 a successful first test flight for a Solar drone designed to provide internet access in remote areas. The test of the prototype, dubbed “Aquila” took place in the UK.
“Devices such as this will help to connect the world, because they can be used at affordable cost 10% of the world population living in remote communities without existing internet infrastructure, “argued Mark Zuckerberg in a message posted on his personal Facebook account.
Facebook is considering ways to bring internet to people who do not have access, especially in less developed areas, as part of its initiative, which also involved other technology groups.
“Connect the world from the sky”
Mark Zuckerberg had mentioned in the past several hypotheses to “connect the world from the sky,” and called major area looking for the possible use of a fleet of drones as “antennae” Internet.
“The idea is to stay on top of an area for months at a time, and to transmit internet service, “Mike Schroepfer detailed Thursday, the chief technology officer of Facebook, on the second day of a conference organized by the social network in San Francisco for application developers.
Aquila drone that runs on solar energy, has a larger than single-aisle Boeing 737, and weighs about as much as a small car, detailed M. Schroepfer. He can maintain flight several months at an altitude of at least 60,000 feet (about 18,000 meters).
The internet giant Google has a somewhat similar project, called “Loon” to which he has already conducted tests using balloons
(afp / Newsnet)
Created.: 27.03.2015, 11:18
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