Mobility: Montparnasse opened this morning by Fleur Pellerin, Wi-Fi will be available in a hundred stations by the end of the year. SNCF also extends its digital services, stations and online, and hopes to offer Wi-Fi TGV within three years.
ministers Fleur Pellerin (Innovation and the Digital Economy) and Frédéric Cuvillier (Transport) launched on Friday morning at the Montparnasse station in Paris, the services of “digital stations” (the term “digital” he seemed too antiquated?). These services “facilitate travel of 22.6 million people traveling this summer in the French stations,” the statement said the two ministers (see this message on Facebook Fleur Pellerin).
These services presented to ministers this morning Rachel Picard, CEO of Gares & Connexions (branch of SNCF dedicated to the renovation of the stations), include:
– Wi-Fi terminals to connect to the Internet anywhere in the station (with SFR Montparnasse). This service is free and will be available in 100 stations by the end of 2013.
In addition, the government and SNCF want to deploy in the next three years a solution for travelers by train have “a good Internet connection.” A consultation was launched by SNCF to telecom operators, specialized suppliers and manufacturers.
Report a problem or smarphone station by SMS – The “warranty station” that connects 120 points of equipment and services from the Montparnasse train station is a QR Code and a free SMS number. If the customer finds Bugs (cleanliness, operation, peace …), it flashes the QR code and accesses a web page where they can report the problem. If there is no smartphone, it can send SMS. The information is immediately received by an officer of the station “that occurs as soon as possible.” The problem solved, the customer is informed. According to Le Parisien, the service is also tested in Saint-Lazare and Gare de l’Est, and to Avignon.
– The interactive information terminals (access to the schedules in real time and provides transportation plan the station with access arrangements, main landmarks of the city …)
– Terminal PMR, a terminal support and assistance in the identification for disabled
– The “playing wall” allows users to download multimedia content (books, music, videos)
. Pedaling to recharge electronic devices
– The “WE-bike”, exercise bikes available to recharge electronic devices (cell phone, computer, tablet, etc..). A person can produce up to 30 watts of power while pedaling normally a generator converting this energy into 220 volt outlet. Six of these “bikes” are available since late 2012 in Montparnasse.
– The stations under 360 º, a site that allows you to visit the station and prepare for his journey by viewing its path. It provides information on the multimodal (cars, buses, taxis, etc..) And on the location of services and shops. The journey can be recorded and then viewed on smartphone or tablet. This tool will be available for the 112 largest stations by the end of 2013 and free to the user.
– Smartphone agent available to station staff so they can provide real-time information: upcoming departures, connections, intermodal ….
No details were given on the need for these different services budget. The two ministers said work on a plan that aims to make life easier for travelers, widespread access to the Internet in different means of transport, reports AFP, which says they have remained vague about the cost of such an initiative but hope announce concrete measures “by the end of the year.”
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