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Check the results of Bac 2013 on our website from 10 hours
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This year, the 664,709 candidates to test the bachelor competed imagination for fun (or more confusion) their teachers. For each subject its share of mistakes and has listed some to relax before the long-awaited results.
Philosophy“If there were no laws, people would be free to drive sober state.”
“Morality and politics do not always mix well (eg DSK ). “
” Body language is a survival tool when it comes to the reproduction of the species. “
“Jacques Chirac was the first incident at the funeral ideas de Gaulle.”
“At the end of his life, De Gaulle was so famous that we invented a political party in his honor: the Gaullist RPR party. “
” Jacques Chirac said that the French do not want to collectivization, it means they have had enough of living in the community on each other. “” The document must be an error: Jacques Chirac is a President of the Republic and the Prime Minister not “Geography
” Q. : Name two global cities.
R: “Mexico” and “China”, “
” We see that the European Union plays a central role in international échangismes “
” Africa. South was created in 1815 by Nelson Mandela “
” In South Africa, there are many people who do not speak the same language.. is biodiversity “
“The South Africa continues to grow around its major cities. johannesburg, Dublin or the course”
“seismic waves do not move on Monday.”
The Underwear
“Sometimes, it is true that we use language as a tool to achieve his ends: here, I try desperately to use the language to prove that I deserve a good grade “
” I will here. include a reference but I have only two for the whole duty, so I keep it for later. “
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