Qwant, the search engine 100% French, just to launch its official version, still in beta.

This search engine is the result of a project initiated in 2011. The first beta version was launched a few months ago. The official version, though still in beta, was launched yesterday. Upon hearing about a new search engine, you might say “And one more! “. Yet Qwant has features that distinguish certainly known search engines like Bing or Google.

What distinguishes it from other search engines

The display is quite different. The first page may seem trivial. But by doing a search, you’ll soon realize that Qwant has a quite original show results. Although it does not dethrone Google account, it stands still in the display columns of research results and its color code. The title of the result is displayed in one color over another, depending on the source (social media, e-commerce site, blog, etc..), Which plays an important role in the organization. Qwant is already available in 15 languages ??and has a mobile version.

Scandal PRISM: a good time to launch a search engine 100% French


Following the spy scandal that has made a huge buzz on all the world’s media, many people may no longer have much confidence in the services made in the USA. Using Qwant instead of Google or Bing, some may feel reassured. Staff and Qwant servers are located in France. Qwant has already been visited by 3.5 million users and 225 million applications have already been entered.
