Free Mobile would resume for 4G, the formula used for the launch of its 3G packages, ie divide the price by two. This is Xavier Niel, vice president of telecom troublemaker, who says micro France 2.


Xavier Niel does not mince words. Vice President of Iliad, the parent company of Free Mobile, said on France 2 the other three operators of the French market had opened too quickly for their 4G network “ able to increase their prices.

Free Mobile, which arrived on the market in January 2012 with the goal of breaking price packages for 3G, has obviously intend to use the same formula. The fourth operator is currently working on the deployment of its 4G taking back what the competition is doing. “ We leave quietly raise their prices to arrive and re-divide by two market prices ” , said Xavier Niel. Good news for the French, who are still unable to take the step, whereas the price of 4G are too expensive.

But for now, it is still early to talk about a possible launch of 4G in Free. The network currently has only 14 antennas 4G service while Bouygues Telecom is more than 4600, more than 3400 Orange and SFR over 700 antennas. However, free secured the agreement of the National Frequency Agency for the construction of 1,336 additional antennas. After these provocative statements, the least that can be said about the competition is that panic will not be long in coming.