Business: UFC Que Choisir has announced she grabbed ARCEP “to establish requirements for a minimum quality of service for 3G”
battle of mobile data is announced. This morning, UFC Que Choisir held a conference call to discuss the results of a study entitled “Quality of 3G Degradation … heralding a transhumance forced consumers to 4G?”
Suffice to say that all keywords warning of a controversy are present. UFC Que Choisir, which has already launched in early November offensive (disputed) on 4G speeds, thus continuing its substantive work on the quality of service. But rather than focus on 4G this time, she wants to take stock of the commitments of the 3G operators.
“Consumers are mainly equipped with 3G, hence the importance of the UFC Que Choisir maintain attention particularly marked on the quality of 3G.” With a fairly severe balance compared to measurements made at the end of 2012, and a study published in January 2013. Thus, by operator:
- Bouygues Telecom, in excess of 2000 kbps rates remain at 52%, when those below 500 kbps spend 16 to 20%.
- Free Mobile, the situation is slightly better. If the “bad flow” stagnated at 18%, those above 2000 kbps earn 15 points to 44%. Bad point however for the operator: it is always less than roaming on its own, or by superiors to 2000 kbps flow network, which was already 47% goes to 53%, while the situation of poor rates deteriorated slightly (1 point) to 15%.
- Orange knows a mixed picture. His superiors at 2000 kbps speeds earn in proportion to the number of tests from 54% to 61% but lower than 500 kbps flow takes 10 points to 18%. However
- worst is the situation of SFR, which the highest rates lose relative share (from 59% to 50%) while less than 500 kbps rates go from 6% to 18%.
average, “the share of bad flow increases more than good,” said the UFC. While the share of greater than 2,000 kbps speeds, all operators, increased by 5 percentage points (from 48% to 53%), the lower 500 kbps flow takes 6 points, from 12% to 18%.
Note that these results are based on 3040 measures Ile-de-France, Toulouse, Grenoble and Lille. And they put forward “flow still limited” in 3G, the situation is even more alarming when one considers that video, stumbling classical point of the quality of service among mobile operators (and fixed) .
On this point, if the UFC notes a “specific problem Dailymotion since the rate of non-quality four network operators are increasing,” it refers primarily a problem on Free on its own networks , who sees a “marked deterioration in the quality of the own network Free services for two of the three tested.”
The case Free
Named “red lantern”, the fourth operator is particularly pointed. UFC note of “quality differences with operators” historical “(…) very marked on Youtube (as we found ourselves) and FranceTV Pluzz”. Ditto on streaming services and download music, where the consumer association, even if it is deterioration “almost universal” clearly points Free, roaming as on its own network.
response it has also not dragged. The operator believes this morning with our colleagues from the Point UFC relies “on a partial and biased study with a highly questionable methodology that ignores the reality of use” in an effort “to increase its visibility at the expense of Free “.
operator, which finds that “the UFC seems to regret the quiet time of the oligopoly,” announced his intention to attack the UFC Que Choisir in court. Which must therefore meet its heavy accusations, especially when she asks if “the deployment of network Free” does not focus on “the extent of its coverage to its thickness.” And fears degradation with network extension until January 2015, when the operator must cover 75% of the population.
As for the UFC, it is not left side procedure, since it announced its intention to enter the ARCEP to “ensure that consumers have access to quality services for 3G,” by far the longer used. She hoped that the regulator sets minimum requirements, and lie “to the ability of operators to operate 4G frequencies.”
For besides its rather negative measures, the UFC believes that operators lead a double game, degrading 3G 4G to promote their offers. However, it has quite a few arguments to support, not noting that the disappearance in offers Bouygues Telecom, the emphasis of H + flow in favor of 4G.
Promotion hidden 4GInevitably, judges association, lowering communication flows in the standard H + 3G + 4G speeds that can not get more favorable in comparison. A bit short, because the UFC beautiful game to illustrate his accusations with the capture of Bouygues Orange and SFR always communicate on the H + … Why ignore
One can only hope a little more completeness to the “Observatory of mobile Internet coverage territory”, announced today. The service, which will measure the entire territory flows by operator and configuration from a Google Play application must provide a similar service to our 4G Monitor.
The findings of the UFC may be the same with a little more rigor, and perhaps she binds legitimately supposed degradation of 3G and 4G promotion. But a little more rigor she will not give the impression that the UFC twists the facts to better serve his fight. Who is right.
find below the full study:
study by AntoineDuvauchelle Ufc 3g
See also our new service 4GMonitor
barometer of the performance of 3G/4G networks in France made with the Application 4GMark
Read also: Flow and Quality of Service 2G/3G and 4G: What is the most efficient operator in October
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