Friday, May 24, 2013

Arctic: a Russian polar station threatens to sink - Futura Sciences

Quentin Mauguit, Futura-Sciences

Installed in Ice used in a very broad term to include any area of ??ice, other than fast ice, whatever its form or how it is disposed. When the concentration is high, it ‘s to say 7/10 or more, the term can be replaced by ice pack.’, ‘Click for more information’) , “ onmouseout =” killlink () “> ice that supports it, probably due to the melting ice. The Russian authorities have established an emergency evacuation plan involving in particular a nuclear icebreaker.

For several years, the successive records in the Arctic, but they are usually announced in September, towards the end of summer, when the ice reached its smallest size. No figures have been published on the current state of the ice extent since the historical record beaten in September 2012 cast, but some clues may already announce The Russians began a real conquest of the Arctic in 1937. Since, they install drifting scientific stations in order to study the Arctic Ocean and watch various weather parameters. The 40 th was inaugurated in October 2012, but it could well disappear faster than expected. Cracks are drawn on the ice supporting Severny Polyus 40 (SP-40), which could lead to a breach of the ice eventually.

Such an event would obviously end the scientific activities on the site, but could be more lethal to 16 staff working on site. Faced with this critical situation, the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and the
Extent of ice (white) measured 26 August 2012. The yellow line delineates the area it occupied on average during the same period between 1979 and 2010. © The same statement said that the destruction of the ice could be a problem for the environment located in the drift ice, which passes near the Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). In addition to the evacuation, Russia also plans to send a nuclear icebreaker on-site Yamal , to dismantle and move the station, for example to Severnaya Zemlya, a The Russian authorities have good reason to intervene as quickly as they have already lost the Severny Polyus 32 (SP-32) polar station in 2004 under similar conditions. She sank after a break in the ice that supported fortunately no injuries or casualties. SP-37 and SP-39, for their part, have been recovered by an icebreaker in 2010 and 2012.

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