Wednesday, January 6, 2016

From science fiction to new technologies, and vice versa – The Conversation FR

What we expect of technology in the real world is often fed by our perception of science fiction and its content. This is in particular the case for children. Recently, researchers and designers specializing in interactive technology (area of ​​interaction between humans and computers, HCI English) were inspired by science fiction to create new tools, products and systems to change our ways to traditional use and other technology.

We have seen the consequences of success, which totaled millions of dollars, the 2002 film Minority Report (inspired by the news of Philip K. Dick in 1956) he influenced the development of touch interfaces such as smartphones, tablets and interactive holographic interface

The small computer (personal access display. devices, PADD) described in the TV series Star Trek there many years, is very similar to the shelves today. This is a technology among others appeared in Star Trek that entered the real world. Smart watches and other connected devices have been mentioned in several television series and films such as Star Trek , Knight Rider and Back to the Future II .

From fiction to reality?

So we have reason to expect to see any technology described in science fiction can materialize in the real world and become a success?

These boards motorized hovering a few centimeters above the ground, corresponding to hoverboards seen in Back to the Future II and III , exist as extremely advanced technology, but are not yet at the stage of practical realization. Is this an example of breakdown of marriage between technology and fiction?

We think that part of the contradiction between the real and the technology of fiction is due to the limitations of certain hardware and software . It must also issue this hypothesis: since all content is popular fiction and collects the appreciation of all, it should be incorporated into our equipment real world

It is not always so. and if this causes a rift between what the user wants and what that technology. Researchers need to be a little more aware and better how to draw science fiction implications for product design.

How we love robots?

Little little the robotss’insèrent in all areas of our existence, automating various tasks, providing help to people in their life in society. Robots today are able to perform intelligent actions and make rational decisions.

These features are widely detailed in robots we present fiction. But the difference with actual robots lies in the degree of consciousness, autonomy and physical appearance. Many fictional robots in movies Chappie , Transformers and Terminator , show themselves capable of experiencing emotions and other human faculties.

Science fiction has often sought to create highly anthropomorphic characters and difficult to distinguish human as in films Bicentennial Man , Blade Runner and Surrogates.

The movie and television directors advantage of our inclination to conceive, in fiction, relationships and humanizing non-human characters. This phenomenon is also known under the name of “media equation”. Clearly, the films have anthropomorphic robots and men resembling to ensure good recipes and cartonnent box office.

The popularity and proliferation of these characters in the image of humans are not the only made in Hollywood. They also recipe in films from all countries, including Bollywood. Two mega-success, Enthiran and more recently PK , has as its main character a be extremely anthropomorphic, an android.

Unfortunately, in reality, robots are far from possessing the qualities demonstrated by their fictional counterparts. But would it not be a blessing in disguise? The studies further pushing of Hiroshi Ishiguro research on Geminoids showed very similar to humans created robots in us a feeling of aversion.

Our own research on the perception between fiction robots and real robots also established that people dissociate the content of fiction and the real world. Our results show that the humanization of robots is much more popular in fiction as real objects.

Studies on the relationship between men and robots have proven that humans prefer to see real ones remain discreet and not to invade their personal space. Some researchers hypothesize that face-to-face with oversized robots would cause this discomfort.

We think it is beneficial for designers of robots to separate the shape of the function. And adopt a goal of making robots capable of doing and to carry out their task rather than trying to give them a human likeness.

This is the topic that researchers in the field HCI and science fiction authors have explored further during a workshop on December 7 in Melbourne, when the Australian conference on the relationship between man and computer.

Science -Fiction, as we see, can be a source of inspiration for new technologies. But we must be attentive to the point: how people react. It is necessary to assess each fictional content to determine what will be in the real world, the most desirable views and those that are not.


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