Thursday, September 1, 2016

SMEs rely on new technologies, according to a study –

SMEs rely on new technologies, according to a study

The Swiss economy is significantly penalized face international competition because of production costs and the strong franc. To remedy this, SMEs rely on digitization and new technologies, according to research by Credit Suisse.

Switzerland is considered generally favorable planting place, but abroad presents advantageous production costs or very advantageous over it, say 56.5% of the 2,000 SMEs surveyed by Credit Suisse as part of its annual study on the success factors for Swiss SMEs.

the industrial SMEs the most pessimistic. This vision may be because they have more overseas locations than other SMEs and they tend to export more, write the authors of the study. The strong franc is an important factor, many companies claiming to have lost competitiveness since the abolition of the floor rate in January 2015.

Rigor highlighted

                   Regarding labor and rigor, the majority of SMEs surveyed however plébiscitent the Swiss economy. They also agree that the measures against the disadvantages of Switzerland face foreign competition exist.

A large majority (72.3%) surveyed companies account on the introduction of new technology to gain competitive advantage. The least popular measure is the relocation, although nearly a quarter (23.8%) considering it.

With regard to new technologies, more than a fifth of the SMEs surveyed already using highly very strongly, Credit Suisse notes in its statement. Ups, SMEs and larger companies specializing in information and communication are the most advanced in this field

(ats / 09.01.2016 9:36).

(TTY / 09.01.2016 9:36) ->


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