Monday, February 15, 2016

New technologies: new cameras for us … – La Voix du Nord

GoPro and sisters have revolutionized the way to film sports. They gave the impression of being in place of the skier or snowboarder and procured beautiful immersion sensations. The 360 ​​° cameras multiply that feeling by providing the opportunity to look around everywhere. By moving the mouse, one can see on the sides, top, bottom, and have a view that even the sport does not have time to enjoy. These cameras are clearly the future of the video and will undoubtedly supplant action cameras.

Their advantage is that they cover all angles of vision. For this, they are composed several objectives, often large fish eye type sensors angle. They film course in high definition, and some can produce content in 4K. This ultra high definition allows for three-dimensional images.

At the viewing, the fish eye effect is present and distorts images, but it is quickly supplanted by the fun we moving the mouse on the sides, top or bottom.

the market for 360 cams develops and, again, France is in the right car, and even the North! Including through a company based in Euratechnologie, Giroptic. His pear-shaped camera has three objectives that take pictures and film in 4K in full hd. The camera is equipped with Wi-Fi, can be controlled via a smartphone. His videos can be sent and shared on social networks. It is sold € 499. Nokia, with Ozo; Ricoh with the elegant Theta; Kodak; Nikon, Samsung, they set all the cams 360.

The development of this new technology goes along with that of virtual reality. For, how not resist the urge to immerse themselves completely in a video, riveted helmet before the eyes and visualize the content simply by moving the head.


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